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Did you know?
Postcoder can validate email addresses in real-time as your customers type them into your website or app. It's a great way to prevent fake, invalid or temporary email addresses from being used to create bogus accounts.
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Postcoder offers lots of features, including bank account validation, mobile phone validation and OTP verification. Log in and discover how Postcoder can protect your customers and make filling forms faster.
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It's easy to check your credit balance and usage in the admin area - check the dashboard, or head to the usage tab for in-depth data.
Global address lookup
Postcoder address lookup covers every country in the world. No matter where your company operates, Postcoder enables your customers to quickly and accurately fill in their address.
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Bank account validation? Improve your customer experience while reducing fraud risk. Postcoder bank validation allows you to instantly verify sort codes and account numbers.
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Save time and money with mobile phone validation? Verify that mobile numbers are active and switched on before calling with Postcoder.
Explore mobile validationGuess what?
Your website or app can use Postcoder to send and verify one-time passwords. Reduce fraud, impersonation and account take-overs.
Explore OTP verificationUsed by over 9,000 businesses